Ruru Rusmin

Assistant Dean of Faculty Development and Instructional Technology

Headshot of Ruru Rusmin

119 W 31 St

New York, NY 10001

Phone: (646) 664-8628

Ruru Rusmin, Assistant Dean of the Office of Faculty Development and Instructional Technology, is an educational technologist with many years of experience developing online learning and integrating technology into teaching. She explores how technology opens up new possibilities for teaching and learning, and how new ways of interacting in the wider world change the academic experience. She holds a BA in Comparative Literature from Brown University, an MA in Teaching English as a Second Language from City University of Hong Kong and an MS in Computer Information Systems from Baruch College. Previous to CUNY SPS she developed online courses and expanded the use of technology in the classroom and beyond at BMCC.

Recent News

CUNY SPS Assistant Dean Ruru Rusmin presents on AI in Bronze award-winning CUNYTV broadcast

Bronze Winner: Education & Training Television — Generative AI in Higher Ed: The Future is Now

June 07, 2024

The Telly Awards

Ruru Rusmin, assistant dean of faculty development and instructional technology, who was featured in an episode of CUNY-TV's EdCast that won a bronze Telly Award. In the episode titled "Generative AI in Higher Ed: The Future is Now," moderator Dr. Linda Hirsch facilitates a conversation with Rusmin and Jack Kenigsberg from Hunter College. During the discussion, Rusmin thoroughly unpacks the benefits and challenges that AI presents to academia. The telecast was originally aired on Nov. 12, 2023, and can be viewed online

Generative AI in Higher Ed: The Future is Now

November 21, 2023

CUNY TV Edcast: Educators on Education with Dr. Linda Hirsch

Ruru Rusmin from OFDIT is featured in an episode of CUNYTV’s EdCast series titled "Generative AI in Higher Ed: The Future is Now." Joined by Jack Kenigsberg from Hunter College and host Linda Hirsch from Hostos Community College, they explored the applications, advantages, limitations, and concerns surrounding the growing presence of ChatGPT and similar tools in and beyond the classroom.