The following provides information on how to purchase and/or access CUNY School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS) required textbooks or other course materials.
Online Bookstore & Marketplace
- An average savings of 60% off list price when shopping the Marketplace
- Price Match Guarantee on all new books
- Free shipping on select orders over $49
- Year-round online buyback where you name the pric**e**
Order online at CUNY SPS Bookstore.
All courses, required materials, and pricing options are displayed in a personalized, easy-to-use page when you Log in with your CUNY Login account.
- Log in with CUNY Login account
- Select from new, used eBook & rental options
- Checkout
For questions regarding an order, please visit CUNY SPS Bookstore help or call 1-888-286-8249.
Some instructors may compile copyrighted materials from various sources (journals, textbooks, books, etc.) to create a coursepack instead of or in addition to a textbook.
E-Library, E-Books, E-Collections
Instructors may require readings that are available through the Newman Library's vast e-books and e-texts collection. Visit the Newman Library website to search for electronic materials.
Course Reserves
Some instructors may make books and/or other course materials available through the electronic course reserve system at the Newman Library. Visit Newman Library services to reserve course materials.