CUNY’s Conflict of Interest Policy establishes standards to ensure that there is no reasonable possibility that any conflicting interests will bias the design, conduct, reporting or review of research projects at the University, regardless of the source of funding or the commercial exploitation of the results of such projects.
To comply with this policy, investigators are required to disclose to the College Conflicts Officer (CCO) at his or her college any Significant Financial Interest (as defined in the Policy) relating to the investigator’s institutional responsibilities. Disclosure is made via the CUNY Significant Financial Interest (SFI) Disclosure Form for Research Projects Not Funded by the Public Health Service or via the CUNY Significant Financial Interest Disclosure Form for PHS Funded Research submitted by the investigator to the college Grants Officer and CCO at the time that the Principal Investigator submits a grant proposal or application. An updated form must also be submitted to the college Grants Officer and CCO at the time the Principal Investigator submits an annual progress report. In addition, each investigator is required to submit an updated CUNY SFI Disclosure Form to the college Grants Officer and the CCO within 30 days of any material change in the previously disclosed SFI, discovery or acquisition of a new SFI, or when the investigator joins an ongoing research project at CUNY.
These forms are accessible on the CUNY Conflict of Interest page.
If the University’s Conflicts Committee determines that a Financial Conflict of Interest exists (i.e., that the Significant Financial Interest could directly and significantly affect the design, conduct, reporting, or regulatory review of the investigator’s research), the Committee determines whether the conflict is manageable, and if so, issues a conflict management plan for the research project.
CUNY School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS) College Conflicts Officer (CCO)
Each CUNY College has a designated Conflicts Officer (CCO) who is responsible for promoting the responsible conduct of research through training and education, and for implementing CUNY’s Research Misconduct policy.
Jenna Coplin
Academic Program Manager, Museum Studies/Research Administration and Compliance
Phone: (212) 652-2063