All CUNY students who do not have an approved medical exemption or religious exception are required to be fully vaccinated to attend an in-person or hybrid class. Booster shots are encouraged, but not required.
Students accessing University facilities will be required to be vaccinated and boosted once eligible. If they have been granted a religious exception or a medical exemption, they can show proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken no more than 7 days prior to the visit.
Review the COVID-19 guidelines by visiting the CUNY website or the Student Vaccination Mandate FAQ.
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella
New York State Public Health Law 2165 requires all students entering a post-secondary institution to provide their health services center with immunity to Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. This law applies to students born on or after January 1, 1957. Proof of immunity must be documented by a health care practitioner or other acceptable evidence in the following ways:
- Measles, otherwise known as rubeola — 2 doses live measles vaccine administered after 12 months of age and at least 30 days apart (exact dates of vaccinations are required);
- Mumps — 1 live dose mumps vaccine administered after 12 months of age (exact dates of vaccination is required);
- Rubella, also known as German measles — 1 live dose mumps vaccine administered after 12 months of age (exact dates of vaccination is required);
- Serology (lab) report showing immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella; the lab report must be an actual copy showing your immunity to MMRs
We will accept any one of the following documentation for your MMR vaccinations:
- A copy of your immunizations (including actual dates) on an official government/school letterhead — the simplest place to obtain this may be from your most recently attended high school or college; OR
- A copy of your immunizations (including actual dates) on physician’s letterhead, which includes printed name, address, and telephone number; OR
- Have a blood test to confirm immunity (please note: a copy of the lab report must accompany your campus immunization form for acceptance)
New York State Public Health Law 2167 requires all post-secondary institutions to provide information on Meningitis and the Meningitis vaccine to all students.
Students must complete and mail the following forms to the address below (Immunization forms).
- Student Immunization Record Form (this form must be signed and stamped by a practitioner/medical doctor)
- Meningococcal Meningitis Response Form
CUNY School of Professional Studies
119 West 31st Street, Suite 123
New York, New York 10001
Failure to comply with state law will result in denial of registration privileges.