What is CUNY SPS Navigate?
CUNY SPS Navigate is a free mobile app that you can use to:
- Schedule an appointment with your undergraduate advisor or a member of the Financial Aid or Bursar teams
- Engage with the CUNY SPS community by taking polls, receiving tips, and learning about resources that will help you succeed in your studies
- Get reminders and view a list of things to do to help you stay on track to graduation
- Learn about upcoming events and opportunities
- Connect with study buddies for your classes
How do I access CUNY SPS Navigate?
- You can search for "Navigate Student" on the App Store or Google Play Store.
- Once in the app, search CUNY School of Professional Studies.
- Log in with your CUNYfirst credentials.
If you encounter difficulty logging into the Navigate Student app, please log into CUNYfirst to make sure you do not need to reset your CUNYfirst password. If you cannot log in to CUNYfirst, you will not be able to log into Navigate Student.
If you would like to use the desktop version instead of downloading the app, visit our Navigate website.
Questions? Contact us.