Click here for instructions for receiving an ID card.
Faculty and Staff
Contact the Office of Campus Operations at to receive approval for a campus key. Once the request has been approved, keys may be obtained in the Office of Public Safety (room 214, 119 W. 31st St.).
New employees will receive keys on their start date.
If an existing employee requires a new key, the employee’s supervisor must email with a request.
Staff ID's
At time of hire, the Office of Human Resources will inform the Office of Campus Operations at of the new employee’s name, position, and start date.
The Office of Campus Operations will provide via email an ID approval memo for the new employee, which the new employee must bring to the Office of Public Safety during the semester’s posted ID distribution hours.
If an existing employee requires a new ID card due to lost or theft, the employee must pay the replacement fee to the Bursars Office and then proceed to the Public Safety Office to obtain the ID card.
Faculty ID Card
For faculty ID cards, the Office of Human Resources will inform the Office of Campus Operations at of the new Faculty members name, address, telephone number, and CUNY email address.
If the faculty member requires library access, OFSR will also inform the Office Of Campus Operations if the Faculty member is employed at another campus.
Faculty ID cards may take up to three days for processing .
Note: The Office of Public Safety also receives returned keys and IDs from departing or moving employees, and maintains all key request forms and records.