The Student Emergency Grant program was created to provide eligible students facing short-term, nonrecurring emergencies with a grant to provide emergency financial assistance to qualified students experiencing hardship which could adversely affect their educational success. To ensure that the greatest number of students in need get assistance, recipients will receive only one grant up to $3,000.00 per academic year during their time at CUNY SPS. The program is funded by donations received from the Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation, Gerstner Philanthropies, CUNY SPS Foundation, and other generous donors. Applicants must be able to provide documentation demonstrating the need.
We understand that economic setbacks can be challenging. To support you effectively, the Emergency Grant is available to students who can provide documentation of an unexpected financial hardship within the past 3 months, in line with donor intent.
**Student emergency grant awards are limited and subject to fund availability. Applying for an emergency grant does not guarantee an award.
Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding eligibility or if you need additional assistance with the application. Do note that all request for information will remain confidential. Submitted applications will receive a response within 72 hours, 96 hours for applications submitted over the weekend.
Eligibility requirements for an emergency grant:
- Students must be registered at the CUNY School of Professional Studies for the current semester
- Students must be matriculated in a bachelor's or master's degree program (non-degree or certificate students are not eligible to apply)
- Students must have a record of good conduct
- Students must have a current financial emergency need
- Students must demonstrate an ability and intention to complete their course of study
- Students must be available for a virtual consultation and be willing to participate in post-award questionnaires and interviews
- Only students residing in the United States are eligible to apply for the Student Emergency Grant
Examples of emergencies include, but are not limited to:
- Homelessness due to loss of housing or threat of eviction
- Domestic violence
- Destruction of living quarters due to fire or natural disaster (primary residence)
- Recent overdue bills (medical, rent, utility turn-off notice)
- We may request an updated bill date if date on bill is not within two months of application submission
- Temporary job loss
- Unexpected expenses due to illness or death in the immediate family
- Other (you will be asked to provide a detailed explanation of your emergency)
The Student Emergency Grants cannot be used for:
- Tuition
- Previous educational debts
- Textbooks
- Credit card debts, loan payments including mortgages, and car note payments
- Legal representation or services
- Technology devices such as laptops, cellphones and other electronics
How to Apply for a Student Emergency Grant:
Please review and prepare the following before submitting your online application:
- A statement explaining your financial emergency and how the current situation is affecting your studies.
- A statement itemizing each cost with supporting documentation for each item.
- Documentation to demonstrating you are experiencing a financial hardship. Do note the Office of Scholarships may request additional documentation once your application is submitted.
Examples of Loss of Income documentation:
- Termination letter
- Unemployment benefits
- Paystubs demonstrating reduction of hours
- Federal/State assistance
- Bank statements with full name listed
- Proof that unexpected expense exceeds current household income
Examples of Supporting documentation:
Review the Emergency Grant Allowable Expenses and Required Documentation Resource Guide. The guide is available to assist you with submitting your Emergency Grant application.
Upon review of the student’s eligibility, complete applications will be reviewed by committee. Committee decisions are final. If approved, the grant will be disbursed to the approved payees within 10 -14 business days of the final award letter.
Grant Amount: up to $3,000.00 - subject to fund availability. However, the final award amount will be based on need as described in the student’s application and as supported by the appropriate documentation.
Emergency funds will be paid directly to the vendor. Please note, vendors for housing, child care, and medical expenses will be required to submit a W- 9 in order to receive payment. The Office of Scholarships will share the electronic W-9 link via email in order for the vendor to complete the form. We suggest reaching out to your vendor prior to application submission to ensure they agree to submit a W-9. Again, we cannot pay a vendor without this form.
As the grant draws on a limited pool of funds, the school cannot always guarantee the availability of funds for assistance.
Use your CUNYfirst/Brightspace login credentials to access the application system.
If you need any additional information/assistance, please feel free to reach out to The Office of Scholarships at or 646-664-8535.