Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) and Institutional Review Board (IRB)
The CUNY Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is responsible for the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects in research projects conducted at CUNY or by CUNY faculty, staff and students and RF CUNY staff. The program provides oversight, administrative support and educational training to ensure that CUNY research complies with federal and State regulations, University policy and the highest ethical standards. The CUNY HRPP comprises of 5 University Integrated Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and 19 on-site HRPP offices.
The HRPP Coordinator serves as the first point of contact for CUNY faculty, staff and students who become involved in human subjects research.
The HRPP coordinator for CUNY SPS:
Tanzina Khan
Research Compliance Analyst, CUNY Office of Research
Phone: 646-664-8918
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Approval from CUNY’s Institutional Review Board is required before research may begin when ALL of the following criteria are met:
- The investigator is conducting research or clinical investigation;
- The proposed research or clinical investigation involves human subjects; AND
- CUNY is engaged in the research or clinical investigation involving human subjects.
The CUNY HRPP Guidance document, When is CUNY HRPP or IRB Review Required? provides additional information.
Submitting to the IRB
All human research protocols must be submitted through IRB Manager, an electronic system for the development, submission, review, and management of research protocols involving human subjects.
To login to IRB Manager you will use your CUNYFirst credentials, where your username is entered as followed by the password associated with that username.