Prohibition on Submission of Fraudulent Admission Documents
The submission of documents in support of applications for admission such as transcripts, diplomas, test scores, references, or the applications themselves, that are forged, fraudulent, altered from the original, materially incomplete, obtained under false pretenses, or otherwise deceptive (collectively referred to as fraudulent documents) is prohibited by The City University of New York (CUNY) and may be punishable by: a bar on applying for admission, suspension, and/or expulsion. The term “applications for admission” includes transfer applications.
Materially incomplete applications include applications that fail to include all prior post- high school college level courses, regardless of whether (i) the courses were taken at a post-secondary institution in the United States or outside the United States, (ii) the applicant received a degree at the post-secondary institution (iii) the applicant is seeking credit for such courses, or (iv) the applicant is changing majors/careers.
Re-Admission Policy
Undergraduate or Graduate students who previously attended the CUNY School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS), but did not graduate, and have not been enrolled for three or more consecutive semesters (not including the Summer or Winter term) must complete an online application for Undergraduate Readmission or Graduate Readmission. Students who attended another school while in absence from CUNY SPS must provide an official transcript from each school attended. Students who left CUNY SPS upon completing a certificate or degree and are interested in enrolling in a new program must file a new application for admission.
Undergraduate Students - In order to be considered for re-admission to a bachelor’s degree program, undergraduate applicants are strongly encouraged to learn more about the undergraduate requirements and readmission application instructions.
Graduate Students – In order to be considered for re-admission to a master’s degree program, graduate applicants are strongly encouraged to learn more about the graduate requirements and readmission application instructions.
Students looking to return to a Certificate program (undergraduate or advanced) at CUNY SPS should contact the program director and should not use a readmission form.
If you have questions about the readmission process, for undergraduate or graduate programs, please contact the Office of Admissions at or (646) 664-8544.
Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions Appeals Process
The admissions appeals process is available to applicants who have been recently denied admission to an undergraduate or graduate degree program at the CUNY School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS). Appeal petitions must be submitted within 30 days of an official admission decision being sent to the applicant and no later than the filing deadline listed on the appeals form. Appeal petitions are generally submitted by applicants who feel that personal circumstances could not be assessed adequately by the standard application review process. In special cases, applicants may also seek an appeal because of a processing or clerical error that may have occurred in the application review. Through this process, a request for a second review will be considered. Please note the following:
Undergraduate Students - In order to be reconsidered for admission, undergraduate applicants must satisfy the school’s proficiency requirements for reading, writing, and mathematics at the time of the request. Please note that the submission of an appeal request does not guarantee admittance, as applications have already been carefully reviewed.
Graduate Students – In order to be reconsidered for admission, graduate applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Office of Admissions in order to be put in touch with the appropriate graduate department before filing an appeal. Please note that the submission of an appeal request does not guarantee admittance, as applications have already been carefully reviewed.
The following steps must be followed for an appeal to be considered:
- The Admissions Appeal Form must be completed and submitted to the Office of Admissions by the filing deadline.
- Statement of Appeal: As part of the appeals process, a statement of appeal of up to 500 words is required.
Specific instructions are included on the forms.
- Undergraduate Appeal Form (PDF)
- Graduate Appeal Form (PDF)
Deferring an Offer of Admission
Applicants, undergraduate or graduate, who are admitted and are unable to start their studies may defer their enrollment for one or two academic semesters, but no more than two academic semesters. Thereafter, the applicant must re-apply for admission. Note, an academic semester here is defined as the Fall and Spring semester only, and does not include the Summer or Winter sessions.
Students may not defer enrollment to take classes at another college during the deferral period as transfer credit for coursework completed during the deferral period is ordinarily not granted.
All deferral requests must be communicated to the appropriate advisor.