Non-Degree and Visiting Students

Whether you are a visiting student enrolled in another institution who is looking to get ahead or catch up or a non-degree student seeking personal or professional enrichment, we invite you to follow the steps below to enroll in a course at the CUNY School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS).

Steps to Apply

  1. Explore our Schedule of Classes (PDF) and select the course(s) you want to register for.
  2. If you are a visiting student enrolled in another institution, consult with your Home College advisor to ensure that credits earned at CUNY SPS will be transferrable to your degree program.
  3. Complete the Non-Degree application/registration form below.

Summer 2025

Fall 2025

  1. If you never attended college, include your high school transcript indicating your date of graduation. If you have attended college, include your most recent college transcript or proof of bachelor’s degree.
  2. Email your completed application to and we will email you the next steps in the application process.

Once your application is processed, you will receive confirmation of your course registration. Please review the academic calendar, tuition and fees, and payment deadlines. Although non-degree students are not eligible for financial aid, the payment plan makes college more affordable by allowing you to better manage your payments.

Note that undergraduate non-degree students are not permitted to enroll in Nursing courses and departmental approval is required to enroll in Health Information Management courses. Graduate non-degree students are subject to review by the Academic Program before permission is granted to enroll. Visiting and non-degree students are permitted to take a maximum of three credits in Winter session.

Auditing Courses

Students who do not wish to take a course for credit may audit the course by selecting the audit option. Fees remain the same as credit courses, however, students who audit will not be evaluated or receive a transcript.

An exception to the payment of tuition for auditing courses is made for senior citizens. If you are over the age of 60, you may enroll in undergraduate courses only, on an audit basis, without tuition charges and without credit, on a space available basis. Registration will take place on the first day of classes. These senior citizens pay an Administrative Fee plus the Consolidated Services Fee and any other fee charges related to the course. The grade of "AUD" will be assigned. The same principles relating to change of status indicated in the preceding paragraph also applies to senior citizens auditing courses. The application process is the same as the above.