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CUNY SPS Disability Studies alum Molly Joyce composes soundtrack to documentary film Patrice The Movie

Patrice: The Movie

October 01, 2024

ABC News Studio

Two-time CUNY SPS graduate Molly Joyce ( Advanced Certificate in Disability Studies '21 and MA Disability Studies '23) composed the soundtrack for the ABC News Studios film, 'Patrice: The Movie.' The documentary examines the next frontier of marriage equality—disability. The film features a loving disabled couple who want to get married and spend their lives together—but they know that by even simply cohabitating, the government benefits they need to survive would be cut. The documentary is available to stream on Hulu.

Disability Rights Advocate John Robinson Joins Office of Microcredentials

September 24, 2024

Syracuse University News

CUNY SPS alum John Robinson (MA Disability Studies '23) was recently appointed as professor of practice at Syracuse University's College of Professional Studies' Office of Microcredentials. As a committed advocate for disability rights, Robinson will also help coordinate and scale the Workshop in Entrepreneurship for People with Disabilities, a non-credit microcredential program designed to empower people with disabilities to either become entrepreneurs or to be better prepared for employment.

Bold Solutions to Re-Engage

September 23, 2024

The Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation

CUNY SPS' efforts to support students through credit for prior learning opportunities, as well as the Youth Studies program's work with young adults through the Working the Gap initiative, were discussed in the learning brief "Bold Solutions to Re-Engage." This report, published in Summer 2024 by The Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation, highlights the latest programs and practices funded by the Foundation that strengthen college and career pathways for low-income New Yorkers.
CUNY SPS Innovative learning Solutions (ILS) team photo

What’s In a Name?

September 12, 2024


PEWL, a CUNY SPS special department focused solely on workplace learning and training, was renamed the Office of Innovative Learning Solutions (ILS). In the CUNY SPS blog, ILS Executive Director Amy Perez discusses what led to the name change and the unit’s plans for the future

The 5 Cheapest Online Master’s in Data Science programs

September 11, 2024

Fortune Recommends

The CUNY SPS MS in Data Science was listed third on the roster of the most affordable online data science programs by “Fortune Recommends." The publication also noted that the average cost for an online master’s in data science is $37,000. In contrast, CUNY SPS' out-of-state tuition is less than half that amount.