Academic enrollment records are maintained by the CUNY School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS). Students can review their records at any time by logging into CUNY First. To request an official transcript at any time during the course of study, the student may request one through CUNY First. Please follow the directions at the link below.
Student Rights Regarding Release of Information
Per regulations, CUNY SPS does not release student information (name, attendance dates, address, telephone, e-mail address, fields of study and degrees received), except to those documenting a legitimate interest. By filing a request with the Office of the Executive Director of Enrollment Services and Senior Registrar, a student may ask that such information not be released without the individual student's written consent.
See Student Rights Concerning Educational Records (PDF) and the Freedom of Information Law Notice on the CUNY University website for additional information.
Withholding Student Records
Students who are delinquent and/or in default in any of their financial accounts with the college, the university or an appropriate state or federal agency for which the university acts as either a disbursing or certifying agent, and students who have not completed exit interviews as required by the federal Perkins Loan Program, the federal Family Education Loan Programs, the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, and the Nursing Student Loan Program, are not permitted to complete registration, or issue a copy of their grades, a transcript of academic record, certificate, or degree, nor are they to receive funds under the federal campus-based student assistance programs or the federal Pell Grant Program unless the designated office, in exceptional hardship cases and consistent with federal and state regulations, waives in writing the application of this regulation.
Compliance with Freedom of Information Law
The Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President of the Graduate School and University Center is responsible for ensuring compliance with the regulations of the Freedom of Information Law, section 88, public access. The Vice President for Student Affairs has been designated as the Records Access Officer. Records are available for inspection and copying in Room 7301 of the Graduate Center between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Requests for access to the public records may be made in person or in writing. No fee is charged for the search for records, inspection, or certification. A fee not to exceed 25 cents per sheet may be charged for copying of records.