Student Profiles

Our students come from all walks of life, but share one common goal -- to build upon their skills, knowledge, and career options through higher learning. Here's what some of our current students have to say about their experiences at CUNY SPS.

Margot Perron

Margot Perron

Urban Park Leadership Program

"Central Park Conservancy's expertise is unparalleled and they, along with CUNY SPS, aim to be incredibly helpful and supportive."
Heidi Anderson

Heidi Anderson

Urban Park Leadership Program

"Since meeting the team at the Central Park Conservancy Institute for Urban Parks, I have been inspired by the work that they do and grateful for the lessons-learned that they can and have been so willing to share."
James Scott

James Scott

Urban Park Leadership Program

"The workflow of the program was ideal for busy professionals. It presented meaningful learning opportunities, but the time commitment did not detract from my professional responsibilities. Often times, the content would overlap with real-world problems of practice."
Henry Coppola

Henry Coppola

Urban Park Management Certificate

"The program touched on many aspects of the work that I do. It made me rethink our routine practices, and exposed me to new things that I am now more prepared and interested to incorporate into my role [at Montgomery Parks in Maryland]."
Mayu Ferrufino

Mayu Ferrufino

Urban Park Management Certificate

“I have participated in other programs in the past, and liked the experience, knowledge, and the warmth of the professionals participating in and teaching this certificate.”