Student Disability Services
All qualified students, including veterans and dependents with disabilities, can receive support through CUNY SPS Office of Student Disability Services.
Counseling Services
CUNY SPS offer initial consultation appointment for all students and counseling services for qualifying students. CUNY SPS counselors specialize in consultation, crisis intervention, evaluation, and referral.
CUNY SPS offers free remote tutoring to students in over 45 subject areas. Just click "Academic Resources" in your Brightspace navigation bar and then "Tutoring" to access CUNY SPS students may also receive assistance at any stage of writing from the SPS Writing Fellows and assistance with a range of mathematical topics from the SPS Quantitative Reasoning Fellows.
VA beneficiaries may be eligible for addition tutoring.
Textbook and Course Materials
To purchase textbooks or course materials please visit the CUNY SPS online bookstore website. Enter the course name or code (for example, Cmptr Fundmntls & Applic or CIS 101) in the search box and select the result.
Note: Popular courses will have multiple sections with one or more instructors. Be sure to select the section that matches your class schedule.
Please submit VRE book vouchers directly to the vendor: