Holli Broadfoot

Experiential Learning Director


101 W 31st St 7th Fl.

New York, NY 10001

Phone: (646) 344-7273

Fax: (646) 664-8721

Recent news

CAEL Names Holli Broadfoot as Ambassador

February 13, 2024

Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL)

In January, the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL), CUNY SPS' partner in the Credit for Prior Learning Program, welcomed Holli Broadfoot, experiential learning director, into its newest ambassador cohort. Ambassadors offer their experience and expertise to increase strategic interaction among educators, workforce organizations, and employers. CAEL views such collaboration as critical to making adult learner success the thriving link between learning and work and an engine of equitable economic mobility.

New On-Ramps at CUNY SPS

November 06, 2023

The Job

CUNY SPS colleagues Jennifer Sparrow, interim senior associate dean for academic affairs, and Holli Broadfoot, experiential learning director, discussed Google Career Certificates and the School's IT Pathways Partnerships in The Job, a newsletter about the connections between education and the workforce. (Their piece, entitled "New On-Ramps at CUNY SPS" is the second item in the newsletter.)

Credit for Prior Learning Program at CUNY SPS

January 10, 2023

News 4 NY

In this News 4 NY segment, CUNY SPS Experiential Learning Director Holli Broadfoot and student Lori Mercado discuss the School's Credit for Prior Learning program. [Video at 6:51:15]

CUNY SPS Shares Institutional Expertise at EdTech Events

October 21, 2022

Interim Dean Silva-Puras and others at CUNY SPS offered their thoughts on how to best serve adult students in a rapidly changing world.