Doria Escalante

Adjunct Lecturer

Doria brings over 23 years of professional experience in providing training to Center Based staff and Family Day Care Providers. Doria has obtained the following Credentials: T-TAP Credential Trainer; Train of Trainer for NAFCC; Observer for NAFCC; Master Cadre Trainer for Promoting Social and Emotional Competence for Infants/Toddlers, Preschool children and Family Child Care. Doria has been certified by the Council for Professional Recognition as a Professional Development Specialist for over 20 years.

She has been providing coaching and training to Center Based staff and Family Day Care Providers to obtain their Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential. She strives to prepare her students to make the critical connection that a teacher must make between theory and practice.

In 2021, she joined Talawah Turf International Inc, as a trainer/coach for Center Based Staff and Family Day Care Providers.

She has also served as a Board Member for the New York State Association for Family Child Care.

She continues to make a difference by providing training and guidance to early childhood professionals and Family Day Care Providers with the Professional Development Institute.

Doria aporta más de 23 años de experiencia profesional en la formación del personal de centros y programas de cuidado infantil en el hogar. Tambien es certificada por el Consejo de Reconocimiento Profesional como Especialista en Desarrollo Profesional durante más de 20 años.

Ella ha proporcionando entrenamiento y capacitación para Centros y proveedores de cuidado infantil en el hogar para obtener su credencial de Asociado en Desarrollo Infantil (CDA). Ella se esfuerza por preparar a sus estudiantes para hacer la conexión crítica que un maestro debe hacer entre la teoría y la práctica.

Doria continúa marcando la diferencia proporcionando formación y orientación a profesionales de la primera infancia y proveedores de cuidado infantil en el hogar con el Instituto de Desarrollo Profesional.