Adjunct Professor, Sociology
Born and raised in Southern California, Dr. Terri Anderson has a PhD in sociology from UCLA, and BA degrees in sociology, psychology, and philosophy. She teaches sociology courses at the CUNY School of Professional Studies and John Jay College (online), UCLA (in person), Oregon State University (online), and UCLA Extension (online) on a diverse range of topics. To date, Anderson has taught over 300 classes at 13 colleges and universities, including Occidental College, Pitzer College, Loyola Marymount University, Chapman University, CSU Northridge, and Santa Monica College. Her classes include Introduction to Sociology, Self & Social Interaction, Sociology of the Body, Social Deviance, Food Justice, Sociology of Emotions, Sociology of the Family, Animals & Society, Sociology of Gender, Environmental Sociology, Sociology of Mental Illness, Social Psychology, Media & Mass Communications, Occupations & Professions, Hip & Cool: A Study of Distinction & Exclusion (a course on the modern hipster), Pranks & Troublemaking: The Sociology of Cognitive Mischief, Art/Entertainment & Social Change, and Living Consciously: Philosophy in Everyday Life.