Nasrin Khansari


Dr. Nasrin Khansari received a BA degree in economics from Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran; an MA degree in social development from the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran; an MA degree in social science from New York University; and a PhD degree in systems engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology. She was a visiting researcher  within the Department of Technology & Society at Stony Brook University. In this position, she conducted research related to complex adaptive systems and aided in the design of agent-based decision support systems. As a post-doctoral researcher at University of Pennsylvania, she also explored the role of information technologies as a way for residents to contribute to the decision-making process and focused on the mechanisms by which information sharing enables overcoming bounded rationality problems within urban governance. In addition, she has practical research experiences at the New York Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) and the United Nations (UN) Systems. Her research focuses on information technologies and the mechanisms by which information sharing enables overcoming bounded rationality problems within urban governance. She also works on an integrated conceptual framework to address the issue of CO2 emissions, increase the efficiency of energy systems, facilitate energy consumption problem solving, and support the development of capacities based on socio-structural and techno-structural contexts