Kate Moss, PhD

Doctoral Lecturer, General Education and Liberal Studies


101 W. 31st St., 7th Fl.

New York, NY 10001

Phone: (212) 652-2088

Recent news

Writing Center Wins Recognition

April 24, 2024

Southwestern Writing Center Association

The CUNY SPS Writing Center has been awarded a Southeastern Writing Center Association (SWCA) Center Acknowledgement and Recognition of Excellence (C.A.R.E.) Certification. This is the sole certification administered by writing center experts for their peers. We are the 20th college or university to the receive recognition. Writing Fellows (WAC) and Tutoring Coordinator Dr. Kate Moss, Assistant Writing Fellows (WAC) and Tutoring Coordinator Dr. Erin Heiser, and the CUNY SPS Writing Center will be recognized at the 2025 SWCA Conference.
CUNY SPS EDI Ambassadors Laura Collazo and Dr. Kate Moss

CUNY SPS EDI Ambassadors Share Their Thoughts on Inclusivity

November 02, 2023


The CIED recognized a cohort of faculty and staff who had committed themselves to an intensive EDI training regimen through LinkedIn Learning. Those who completed the multiple training modules were distinguished as “EDI Ambassadors” by the CIED and earned a special certification badge. In part three of this four-part series, EDI Ambassadors Laura Collazo, instructional design/data assistant, Office of Faculty Development and Instructional Technology (OFDIT), and Test Flight facilitator, Office of Academic Affairs; and Dr. Kate Moss, doctoral lecturer, General Education and Liberal Studies, share their insights after completing EDI coursework earlier this year.

CIED and HR Honor First Cohort of EDI Ambassadors

October 05, 2023

The nine faculty and staff were recognized for completing a series of curated LinkedIN Learning courses focused on equity, diversity, and inclusion. 

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Fellowship

April 25, 2022

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) at CUNY

Kate Moss, a doctoral lecturer in the general education and liberal studies programs at CUNY SPS, has been awarded a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Fellowship and will participate in Applying a Scholarly Lens to Our Instructional Practice, a June CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy (CITA) Institute, along with 14 other SoTL Fellows from across various CUNY campuses. As part of the institute, Dr. Moss will be continuing her research on whether changes to discussion board assignments in the CUNY SPS class COM 110: Digital Literacy will increase student engagement.

A Design for Student Leadership in Discussion Boards in Asynchronous Courses

January 18, 2022

Global Society of Online Literacy Educators

Dr. Kate Moss, doctoral lecturer in the CUNY SPS General Education and Liberal Studies programs, will be presenting a Praxis Poster (video presentation and live discussion) entitled “A Design for Student Leadership in Discussion Boards in Asynchronous Courses” at the Global Society of Online Literacy Educators (GSOLE) conference on January 28. This presentation is based on curriculum promoting leadership skills and experience in the COM 110 Digital Literacy course. This revised curriculum was developed under an initiative at CUNY SPS highlighting career-readiness skills as identified by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) in undergraduate courses.