Student Profiles

Our students come from all walks of life, but share one common goal -- to build upon their skills, knowledge, and career options through higher learning. Here's what some of our current students have to say about their experiences at CUNY SPS.


Terrince Autry

BA in Communication and Media

"As for growth, my knowledge base has expanded greatly as I have been exposed to courses, ideas, and philosophies that I would not have considered before."

Cheryl Brewington

BS in Business

"I am sure that obtaining my BS will increase my confidence and will catapult me into more successful career and entrepreneurial opportunities."

Krystyna Audain

BA in Human Relations

"I chose the BA Human Relations degree at CUNY SPS because I believe it is a degree that STANDS OUT. The course structure will challenge, motivate, and inspire you to not just be a better professional, but also a better person."
Middle aged Asian woman sitting outside with her young son.

Youqing Xiang

MS in Data Science

"There are four key success factors for a data analyst: computer programming and mathematical skills, domain knowledge, communication, and teamwork. CUNY SPS has prepared me in all of these areas."

Greg DeLillo

MA in Psychology

"I hope to synergize the master’s program with my undergraduate degree in order secure a job that allows me to help protect the United States from future attacks."