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Nuri Panjaton
BS in Business

Why did you choose to continue your education at CUNY SPS? Why the online BS in Business?
I chose to continue my education at CUNY SPS because the School allowed me to transfer in the maximum number of credits from my associate’s degree. Also, I knew I would benefit from saving time on my commute if I took courses online. CUNY SPS has helped me continue my bachelor’s degree while balancing other priorities such as work and family.
Did you ever think that you would enroll in an online degree program?
Not at all. I was very impatient when it came to getting answers and I was not sure how I was going to do that with an online platform. I loved interacting with other students in person and never thought I could achieve that same level of communication in an online program.
What was your motivation for returning to school for your bachelor’s degree?
My motivation for returning to school was the dream of becoming an independent, educated woman who is ready to take on life. I knew I had to serve as a role model for my younger sister, nieces, and nephews who all looked up to me for guidance and motivation. I needed to build upon my skills so that I could prove what is possible to both others and myself.
Which aspects of the program have you enjoyed most thus far?
I have enjoyed how well the courses are organized and how they allow me to collaborate with other students in an online environment. We may not physically be in a classroom setting, but I feel like I know more of my classmates than ever before.
How does your degree relate to your career that you have OR the career that you want?
After I received my Associate’s Degree in Administrative Assistant, I began working in the business field as a Quality Assurance Coordinator for a manufacturing firm. I started to enjoy this field and decided to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Business. I had also started my own little summer business on the side and knew right away this field was meant for me.
Which professional or personal goals would you like to achieve during your time at CUNY SPS?
My goals are to be able to work well under pressure and apply the concepts I learn in my courses to real life. I want to build connections with other students and faculty members, which could open up various opportunities for me.
In which ways have you grown so far as a result of your studies at CUNY SPS?
Even though I didn’t have guidance regarding which route to take for college, I am happy to say that I made the right choices to the best of my ability. CUNY SPS has not let me down. I now know that I am capable of balancing work and family along with school. All I had to do was believe in myself and give things my best. My aims for the future are higher than ever before; I am not afraid to pursue all of my dreams.
What’s the greatest piece of advice you’ve received while at CUNY SPS?
Communication is key. Communicating with the professors and advisors is the best way to stay on track and accomplish a goal.
What advice would you offer someone considering applying for admission to your program? What advice can you offer someone who is juggling a family, school, and other obligations?
Before beginning this journey, it’s important to understand how to prioritize. It’s OK to travel at your own pace. If a job or family is more important, then scale back on the number of courses you take each semester. It’s possible and never too late to continue.
Along the way, you’ll need plenty of support. Your best friend might need to reschedule plans until finals are over. Your mom or dad may need to sacrifice that weekend lunch together for another day. Your significant other may need to make dinner while you respond to discussion posts. It’s not a solo game; everyone around you is in this together. Let others know what your priorities are and then move forward. It’ll be easier to keep going afterward.
What do you hope to do after graduating from CUNY SPS? What does your future look like?
The future is not in my hands; I can only plan it wisely as possible. After graduating from CUNY SPS, I want to focus on entrepreneurship and find the best way to wake up every morning and say, “I love what I do.” As my search continues for the best possible employment opportunity, I want to utilize what CUNY SPS has taught me by continuing entrepreneurship. I am very excited to take my knowledge beyond my own limits.
Fun Facts about Nuri
- Place of residence: Bronx, NY
- Weirdest place you have studied: In the hallway, in the backyard
- Best thing about your community: Unfortunately, there are no “best things” about where I live. But, I come from a Bangladeshi Community in NY where education is prioritized and extremely valued.
- What are you reading right now? Class material and discussion posts
- What are you watching right now? Nothing (Was watching the NBC News)
- What you enjoy doing in your spare time: Love to dress up and plan outfits, eat outside, have family gatherings, catch up with friends, walk around the mall, watch inspirational movies, listen to music, think and plan for my future, and open old picture albums and reminisce.