The Spring 2025 undergraduate application deadline has passed, but we are still welcoming applications as long as time and space permit.

April Outen

BA in Psychology

April Outen
"My time at CUNY SPS and in the psychology program made me realize the possibilities of this degree are only limited by my own ideas. I went from a single-lined vision to exploring options for opening my own clinic."

Why did you decide to join the BA in Psychology program?

I was previously a business major in the CUNY system (Lehman and Baruch), but it never clicked with me. I took time off after the birth of my first child and then began looking at my options. I have always been interested in the “why” of what made people do the things they do, behavior, etc. but it never occurred to me to pursue psychology until I began to realize that curiosity is part of studying psychology. It all just blossomed from there.

Why did you choose to continue your education online at CUNY SPS? 

I run a business from home with my husband and it made sense to keep that flexibility open for our kids. This came in handy last year because it allowed for a near-seamless transition of life.

What was your motivation for returning to school for your bachelor’s degree?

I wanted to show my girls that time and age are small things and never, ever an excuse. When you want something, go for it!

Which skills have you acquired during your time at CUNY SPS that you believe will help you excel in the psychology field?

Self-discipline and time management, absolutely. As well as how to properly read research. That was one thing I did not know I was doing wrong until I learned how to do it right. This is a huge deal, even in everyday life.

Can you talk about the connections/relationships you formed with your professors and other CUNY SPS students?

In general, this is the most motivated group of folks I have ever been around. I am inspired by the focus and the experiences so many bring to the discussion table every semester in each class. I have my favorite professors, as well, but the students are top notch!

In which ways have you grown as a result of your studies at CUNY SPS?

I have opened up to new ideas and new ways of thinking. I used to have a very rigid idea of how things should be, how degrees should be earned, how a psychology major should proceed, etc. My time here has taught me that there is so much noise around those rigid lines and they should not be ignored because that is where you can find what clicks with you want to do with your degree, career, and life.

What kind of impact do you think your degree will have on your career/life?

Earning my degree is only one step in my goal, but a huge one! My time at CUNY SPS and in the psychology program made me realize the possibilities of this degree are only limited by my own ideas. I went from a single-lined vision to exploring options for opening my own clinic.

What advice would you offer someone who is considering an online program?

Do it! If you can self-motivate and need flexibility, it is certainly a win. Additionally, I strongly recommend taking on an “old pro” as a mentor of sorts (like applying for the ACE Program at CUNY SPS).  If you are at all unfamiliar with how your online program of choice works (because they are all different), having a fellow student there to refer to for certain questions helps immensely!

What does your future look like after CUNY SPS?

More CUNY SPS for my master’s degree and, after that, hopefully get the ball rolling on my own business/clinic that focuses on a combination of cognitive therapies as well as alternative ones. I think it will be insightful but also fun!

Read more about Bachelor of Arts in Psychology