The CUNY School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS) is pleased to announce that the CUNY Office of the Chancellor has awarded the School a $60,000 grant to start a special student-centered program called the Student Success and Student Experience Excellence Initiative.
Scheduled to launch later this semester, this new project will help increase successful degree completion through three distinct tracks: mentoring programs to bolster academic and workforce success, streamlining transfer credit evaluations for incoming students, and enhancing the first-year curriculum.
With the help of the Chancellory’s grant, one of the aims of the Student Success and Student Experience Excellence Initiative is to revitalize and enhance the success of the School’s previous student-to-student peer mentoring programs.
Through the use of early targeted alerts, the program will identify students in need of support and then partner those students with strategically selected peer mentors. In recognition of the peer mentors’ pivotal work, a portion of the grant will fund scholarships for the mentors.
Executive Director of Student Financial Services Leah Chajeczkis, who is on the team spearheading the mentorship portion of the project, stressed the critical role that student-to-student support plays. “Research has shown that not only do peer mentoring programs increase retention, but they also help students feel more connected to their schools,” Chajeczkis noted.
Additionally, the grant will sponsor the establishment of alumni mentoring groups to offer career-building assistance for CUNY SPS students throughout their professional lives.
Students will also be able to access academic assistance through an updated resource base, thanks to the grant. The other aspects of the Student Success and Student Experience Excellence Initiative that are also in the works include streamlining the transfer credit process for a number of pinpointed programs and enhancing the first-year curriculum.
Along with Chajeczkis, the team developing this ambitious and multi-faceted project includes: Dr. Angela Francis, assistant dean of general education and first year experience; Dr. Zeita-Marion Lobley, director of student services; Shannon Gallo, manager of career services; and Nidia Cordova, alumni relations manager.
Dr. Francis, who authored the grant proposal, expressed her enthusiasm about all the exciting possibilities this new grant offers.
“I'm very grateful for this funding opportunity, which has enabled offices across the school to design a cohesive, multi-faceted mentorship program that will support students in their academic and professional goals,” said Dr. Francis.
“On a more personal note,” Dr. Francis continued, “I benefited immensely from the time and attention of several mentors when I was a first-generation CUNY student, so I know first-hand how valuable it is to have someone help you envision your pathway toward the future you've chosen for yourself.”
Dr. Francis concluded, “I hope that this program continues to deepen our sense of community here at CUNY SPS and that it's rewarding for everyone involved— the mentees, but also the peer mentors and alumni mentors who will be helping our future graduates not just succeed but excel.”
About the CUNY School of Professional Studies
As New York's leading online school since 2006, the CUNY School of Professional Studies (CUNY SPS) offers the most online bachelor's and master's degree options at the City University of New York, and serves as the University's first undergraduate all-transfer college. With 26 degrees and numerous other non-degree and grant-funded workplace learning programs, CUNY SPS meets the needs of adults who wish to finish a bachelor's degree, progress from an associate's degree, earn a master's degree or certificate in a specialized field, and advance in the workplace or change careers. Consistently ranked highly by U.S. News & World Report for its online offerings, CUNY SPS has emerged as a nationwide leader in online education. The School's renowned and affordable online programs ensure that busy working adults may fulfill their educational goals on their own time and schedule.
Press Contact
Prerna Dar
CUNY SPS Chief Marketing Officer