Message from Dean John Mogulescu

Dear CUNY SPS Colleagues and Students,

I am writing to let you know that I have decided to retire, and will be stepping down from my position as Dean of the CUNY School of Professional Studies. My last full day of work at CUNY SPS will be August 6, 2021, after which I will begin my pre-retirement leave.

As you might imagine, this decision has not been easy, and I make it with mixed emotions. I have been privileged to have spent almost 50 years at CUNY, including nearly 18 years as the Dean of CUNY SPS. I have had wonderful colleagues, done important and interesting work, helped build new institutions and programs, and most importantly, provided opportunities and ongoing support to our students. Throughout these many years, I can honestly say that I have loved my work.  

Given that, you might ask why I am leaving. My answer is that it is time. Of course, age is the biggest factor. That is self-explanatory. After a career spanning over 50 years, I look forward to a break from the stress of an intense full-time job. I also want to have more relaxation time, to begin to travel again, and most importantly, after not being able to see my children and four grandchildren regularly, the time to do that. Lastly, CUNY SPS is in a good place. Our budget is sound, our enrollment continues to grow, as does our reputation. Having had only one Dean since the School began, it also is time for CUNY SPS to have someone new to offer some fresh ideas and new thinking.  

During these 50 years at CUNY, my proudest accomplishment was the creation of CUNY SPS and being part of its incredible growth and success. We opened CUNY SPS in 2003 with no programs, space, budget, or students, but simply a charge from the Chancellor to build a nimble and innovative school for adults. We have done that. I won’t take the time now to list all of our accomplishments, but will say that over the past 17 years, we have created 22 bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in a wide array of disciplines, and many credit certificate programs.  Our degree and credit certificate programs enrolled almost 4,200 students in Fall 2020 and have never had a semester when we didn’t increase enrollment. We created the first online programs at CUNY and have been recognized as one of the leading providers of online instruction in the nation. Just this year, U.S. News & World Report, in its annual ranking of the country’s Best Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs, ranked CUNY SPS eighth out of the 360 colleges and universities ranked.  In addition, our Professional Education and Workforce Learning unit (PEWL) offers education and training to almost 40,000 New Yorkers per year and generated over $30 million in grants and contracts this past fiscal year, serving as one of the major training arms of the city.

I also am proud that we lead the University in providing students with the opportunity to receive Credit for Prior Learning and that during the pandemic our Office of Faculty Development and Instructional Technology was asked by the Central Office to develop an Online Teaching Essentials (OTE) course that has now served close to 3,000 CUNY faculty members.

In addition, we have established a vibrant CUNY SPS Foundation, which is now raising hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to provide scholarships and emergency support to our students. 

These accomplishments and the many others too numerous to list would not be possible were it not for the talented and gifted members of our community who have worked with passion, skill, and commitment to help build our School.  I am enormously grateful for all you do every day and the commitment you bring to serve our students, for the support and encouragement you have given me, and for putting up with my endless worrying and nudging. You have been amazing partners. I am particularly proud that during this year of COVID and the fight for racial justice we so fully supported each other and paid careful attention to the needs of those among us who have suffered loss and pain.

Finally, I want to thank the thousands of students who enrolled at CUNY SPS these past 18 years. I am proud that we will graduate more than 1,000 students in the class of 2021, our largest graduating class to date. Attending college as an adult is not easy. You manage complicated lives as you juggle work and family obligations while spending many hours per week on your coursework.  I admire your resilience, determination, passion, and intelligence. Being around you, listening to your stories, and engaging in conversation is always exhilarating for me. It brings me feelings of satisfaction and joy.  I have learned much from you, and I thank you for that and for choosing CUNY SPS.

CUNY SPS is a very special community. I hear that all the time from those outside of our School, from our students, and from many members of our community. I will miss all of you. I am confident, however, that CUNY SPS will continue to thrive, and that the School’s future is bright. I am lucky to be part of the CUNY SPS story and to have been joined by the most exceptional group of people in creating a School of quality and excellence. As we get closer to August, I am sure I will have time to offer you individual thanks for all we have done together.  It will be heartfelt.

With appreciation, 

John Mogulescu, Dean