Support The CUNY School of Professional Studies
Thank you for supporting CUNY SPS! Your support is deeply appreciated and directly impacts our students. There are a number of ways you can support the School and make a difference.
Making an unrestricted gift to enables the School to direct your support to areas of greatest need. Unrestricted support helps CUNY SPS provide financial assistance for promising students, recruit and retain expert faculty, and offer unique, vital educational opportunities online and onsite at our campus. On the Donate page, select "Friends of CUNY SPS" from the drop down menu to support the School today.
Establish a Named Scholarship
Establishing a named scholarship helps the School increase access for current and prospective CUNY SPS students. You can create an endowed scholarship to support students in perpetuity, or an annual scholarship that provides immediate assistance to current students.
Create an Endowed or Annual Scholarship
Support an Existing Fund
Thanks to a number of generous individuals, the CUNY SPS Foundation currently administers more than 20 named funds that benefit CUNY SPS students. Your support strengthens these funds and preserves their intended legacies.