Fall 2024 Undergraduate Application Deadline Extended to July 8.

Lynne Alba

MS in Business Management and Leadership; BS in Business

Class of 2023 & 2017

Lynne Alba
"As the director of talent acquisition, one of the most rewarding facets of my role lies in the dynamic intersection of leadership, creativity, and strategic thinking."

What were some of the most defining aspects of your time at CUNY SPS?  

In 2010, I commenced my academic journey at CUNY SPS, embarking on a path of part-time education while navigating the intricate balance of professional commitments, motherhood, and academic pursuits. This period was marked by a significant personal challenge as I endeavored to self-finance my collegiate education. The pivotal moment in my academic and personal development occurred upon being awarded the ACE Scholarship, a transformation that facilitated an acceleration in my educational progression.

The support extended by the scholarship was instrumental in broadening my academic and professional horizons. It afforded me invaluable opportunities for networking, engaging in mentorship roles, and receiving guidance from seasoned professionals. This comprehensive support system was a cornerstone in not only advancing my academic endeavors but also in enhancing my professional and personal growth.

I culminated my undergraduate journey with distinction, earning a Bachelor of Business in 2017. The momentum of this achievement propelled me to immediately pursue further academic excellence; thus, I applied for my master's degree on the very day of my undergraduate commencement ceremony. This decision underscored my unwavering commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

What is the best piece of advice, or most important thing you learned at CUNY SPS?

Throughout my college experience, the most invaluable lesson I gleaned was the art of balancing work, personal life, and academic commitments. The pivotal advice that profoundly influenced my approach was to prioritize not just academic success but also personal well-being and professional growth. Striking a harmonious balance between these aspects proved to be the key to a fulfilling and sustainable college journey.

I learned that selecting classes strategically, aligned with the demands of my current personal and professional timeline, was paramount. This involved meticulous planning and consideration of how each course complemented my overall goals. Opting for a mix of challenging and manageable classes, while taking into account scheduling flexibility, allowed me to maintain equilibrium in my life's various facets.

Moreover, recognizing the significance of self-care and time management became a cornerstone of my approach. Setting realistic goals, creating a structured schedule, and adhering to deadlines were crucial practices that facilitated a seamless integration of academic pursuits with the demands of work and personal responsibilities.

In essence, the most crucial takeaway was the understanding that college success is not solely measured by academic achievements but also by the ability to navigate and balance the multifaceted aspects of life. This holistic approach has not only shaped my college experience but continues to guide my professional and personal endeavors post-graduation.

How has your CUNY SPS influenced your current job, and your career overall?

I have had the privilege of cultivating a successful career in recruitment and staffing. Despite the gratification derived from these endeavors, a discerning recognition of the opportunities within the healthcare and academia sectors prompted a decisive shift in my professional aspirations. Regrettably, my pursuit of roles in these sectors was hindered by the prerequisite of a bachelor's degree, an academic credential that I initially lacked.

Motivated by the imperative to align my qualifications with my career objectives, I committed myself to attaining a bachelor's degree. Armed with a bachelor's degree, I successfully secured the esteemed position I currently hold as the director of talent acquisition at Stony Brook Medicine.

It is paramount to underscore that this journey was not solely confined to academic achievements. The pursuit of knowledge also entailed an investment in leadership education, a strategic choice that has played an instrumental role in my professional trajectory.

In retrospect, my attainment of a bachelor's degree, coupled with a focused pursuit of leadership skills, has been the linchpin of my progression to the esteemed role of director of talent acquisition at Stony Brook Medicine. This reflective acknowledgment underscores the profound impact of academic and professional development initiatives on one's career trajectory.

What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

As the director of talent acquisition, one of the most rewarding facets of my role lies in the dynamic intersection of leadership, creativity, and strategic thinking. Guiding a team through the intricate landscape of talent acquisition not only demands a comprehensive understanding of the organization's objectives but also necessitates the cultivation of a collaborative and empowered team culture.

Leading a team brings about the fulfillment derived from fostering professional growth and development among team members. Witnessing individuals evolve within their roles, honing their skills, and contributing meaningfully to the organization's success is inherently gratifying.

Moreover, the role allows for the cultivation of a creative and strategic approach to talent acquisition. Innovating recruitment strategies, leveraging emerging technologies, and adapting to the evolving landscape of talent management are paramount in ensuring a competitive edge in attracting top-tier talent. The ability to infuse creativity into the recruitment process not only enhances the employer brand but also fosters an environment that appeals to prospective candidates.

Strategic thinking is fundamental in aligning talent acquisition with the broader organizational goals. Developing and implementing recruitment strategies that not only fulfill immediate staffing needs but also contribute to long-term organizational objectives is a critical aspect of the role. This strategic foresight involves anticipating talent trends, identifying skill gaps, and positioning the organization as an employer of choice in the competitive talent market.

In summary, the most rewarding aspect of serving as the director of talent acquisition is the combination of leadership, creativity, and strategic thinking. Nurturing a high-performing team and crafting innovative, forward-thinking recruitment strategies contribute not only to the organizational success but also to the professional and personal fulfillment derived from facilitating the growth and success of individuals within the team.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In the coming five years, I envision myself right here, steadfastly contributing to the continued success of talent acquisition teams. My commitment to professional growth remains unwavering, and I plan to actively engage in developmental workshops and training programs to enhance my leadership skills and stay abreast of industry trends.

As a forward-looking professional, I aspire to take on even greater responsibilities and challenges. A key aspect of my future trajectory involves aspiring to lead an even larger team, where I can leverage my accumulated experience to foster a collaborative and high-performing environment. I am dedicated to championing the growth and development of both individuals and the team as a whole, aligning our efforts with organizational objectives.

In essence, my vision for the next five years is rooted in a continued passion for talent acquisition, professional development, and the pursuit of leadership opportunities. I am committed to making enduring contributions to the success and growth of the teams I work with, as well as to my own continuous personal and professional evolution.


  • What show/s are you currently watching? I am presently watching Reacher on Amazon Prime.
  • What is your favorite meal?  Penne alla Vodka
  • What is your favorite line in a movie?   “You’re killin’ me, Smalls.” -The Sandlot, 1993
  • Favorite or most recent book you read?  I am presently reading "A Court of Thorns and Roses," the Sara Maas series. Anything with fantasy characters is my favorite genre.
  • Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, none, all?  All of the above, My Tik Tok is all about my job @healthcarerecruit
  • List 3 things you would bring to a deserted island.  A solar-charged radio, sunglasses, and sun block.

Read more about Master of Science in Business Management and Leadership, Bachelor of Science in Business