Online Information Session: Jump Start Application

- Add to Calendar 2025-04-24 16:00:00 2025-04-24 17:00:00 Title Description Location CUNY School of Professional Studies | CUNY SPS America/New_York public


We invite you to attend this online Jump Start information session during which time our Associate Director of Admissions Access Programs & SEEK will answer any questions that you might have about our Jump Start application process.

Jump Start is a performance-based application process for degree-seekers, regardless of their GPA. Instead of focusing on traditional academic requirements, this new admissions approach allows you to create a portfolio that demonstrates the college-level skills and knowledge you’ve developed inside or outside of a college classroom in areas such as leadership, research, technical skills, professional writing, and languages.

You can gain admission to CUNY SPS and finish your degree faster with Jump Start.