Fall 2024 Undergraduate Application Deadline Extended to July 8.

Greg DeLillo

MA in Psychology

"I hope to synergize the master’s program with my undergraduate degree in order secure a job that allows me to help protect the United States from future attacks."

Greg currently resides in Staten Island, NY.  In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with friends, cooking, and baking.

Why did you choose to earn an MA in Psychology? Why at CUNY SPS?  Why did you elect an online program?

I chose to earn a degree out of necessity. I had far too much free time while looking for a job. After discussing what other options I had with my parents, I decided on pursuing a degree. When looking for degree programs that were held online I came across CUNY SPS. CUNY SPS was an ideal pick because it was tied into the city and I could always travel to the main campuses if the opportunity presented itself. However, I chose to take the courses online because I did not want to deal with a commute.

Did you ever think that you would enroll in an online degree program?

Online classes did not seem part of my plan after graduation. I do like the personal interaction one gets from attending class physically. However, an online degree program gives students more flexibility to learn at one’s own pace. This flexibility drew me to an online degree.

Which track are you currently enrolled in (I/O or Developmental)? What intrigues you about your specific track?

The track I believe I will pursue will be the developmental track. I believe that this track will allow me to learn topics and ideas that have a higher chance of being seen on the job path I am looking to pursue. Learning the development of children, adolescents and adults can be useful in figuring out how and why people choose to behave the way they do.

Which courses/aspects of the program are you most looking forward to?

One aspect of the courses that I enjoy is the assignments that make the students respond to each other. Some of the discussions that transpire are really intriguing and enjoyable to read about. I also look forward to the various projects that will be done. One of the courses I look forward to studying is Theories of Personality. From the synopsis of the course that is provided, I believe it will have interesting topics that can help in social situations. In addition to this course, I am also looking forward to attending the courses that deal with the Developmental track as these classes are specialized through the program. Furthermore, I forward to the Capstone Project courses. A capstone is a great way of seeing just how much a student has learned and how they can put it all together into a working project.

Which professional and/or personal goals would you like to achieve prior to graduation? In which ways would you like to see yourself grow as a result of your studies at CUNY SPS?

In my opinion, certifications are a great asset to have and put on a résumé. Any certifications that I can pick up along the way through this degree program will be something I look to do. My undergraduate degree came with many certifications and that is something I wish to continue here at CUNY SPS. Furthermore, my undergraduate degree program gave me many professional skills that I believe are useful in all aspects of life. I hope to be able to take away more professional skills from my time at CUNY SPS. One hobby that I felt I never had time to pursue during my undergraduate studies was, cooking. During my pursuit of a Master degree I hope to hone my skill of cooking.

In your opinion, how will the MA in Psychology degree program at CUNY SPS pave the way for the job you want?

The Master of Arts in Psychology program at CUNY SPS allows me to explore an enjoyable topic that I was only able to have a minor in during my pursuit for an undergraduate degree. My undergraduate degree was a Bachelor of Science in Homeland Security, awarded to me from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, FL. Out of the many topics my degree program offered, the ones dealing with terrorist organizations and their inner workings and intelligence gathering were really intriguing. I hope to synergize the master’s program with my undergraduate degree in order secure a job that allows me to help protect the United States from future attacks.

So far, what advice can you give to someone who is considering returning to school for a master’s degree?

One piece of advice I would like to give to students that want to pursue a master’s degree is that it would be best to get use to managing your time. This skill is invaluable to myself because I am able to complete assignments without a sense of there being a rush to get the work done.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your experience, thus far, in the program?

Being a recent graduate, I think that part of me still yearns to be sitting in a classroom with other students. However, online classes are definitely a change from physical classes and it takes some time getting use to talking to people over the Internet and sharing ideas rather than in-person. With that said, it is important to note that as the semester comes to a close it has gotten easier and is quite enjoyable being able to converse with individuals from various places and backgrounds. Online classes seem to remove that inhibition that some students get when in physical classes.

Read more about Master of Arts in Psychology