Binu Koshy

MS in Health Information Management

Binu Koshy
"Having instructors who are actively engaged in the healthcare industry and possess a deep understanding of Health Information Management ensures that I receive practical and relevant insights that I can apply directly to my career."

Why did you decide to join the MS in Health Information Management program?

I decided to join the MS in Health Information Management program for several reasons, all stemming from my passion for the healthcare industry and my desire to advance my career in a rapidly evolving field critical to the efficient operation of healthcare organizations. Firstly, my background in Front-end Revenue Cycle Patient Registration, Middle Revenue Cycle in Coding, and Back-end Collections and Support Services has provided me with valuable firsthand experience in various aspects of healthcare administration. However, I recognize that to progress further in my career and make a more significant impact in the industry, I needed a deeper understanding of the foundations of Health Information Management (HIM). By pursuing this program, I aimed to gain comprehensive knowledge about the principles, theories, and best practices of HIM. This includes learning about data management, health informatics, information governance, and compliance regulations. Understanding these fundamentals will enhance my current skills and equip me with the expertise needed to effectively manage health information systems and ensure data integrity and security.

Moreover, I am intrigued by the evolution of Health Information Management and its increasing reliance on technology and data analytics. With the digitization of healthcare records and the growing emphasis on interoperability and data exchange, the HIM field has numerous opportunities and challenges. I am eager to explore these topics further and learn how emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain are reshaping the landscape of healthcare information management. Additionally, I am interested in gaining insights into the future trends and developments in HIM. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, so will the role of HIM professionals. By staying abreast of the latest advancements and industry trends, I can position myself as a forward-thinking leader capable of driving innovation and implementing strategic initiatives that optimize health information processes and improve patient outcomes.

Why did you choose to continue your education online at CUNY SPS? 

I chose to continue my education online at CUNY SPS for several reasons that align closely with my professional and personal aspirations. Online education at CUNY SPS offers the flexibility I need to balance my studies with my current professional responsibilities and personal commitments. As someone with experience in various aspects of healthcare administration, I recognize the importance of a flexible learning schedule that allows me to continue working while pursuing further education. CUNY SPS is known for its reputable programs, so choosing an institution with a strong reputation ensures that the education I receive meets high-quality standards and is recognized and respected by employers in the healthcare industry. Thirdly, I was impressed by the faculty members at CUNY SPS, who bring a wealth of expertise and real-world experience to their teaching. Having instructors who are actively engaged in the healthcare industry and possess a deep understanding of Health Information Management ensures that I receive practical and relevant insights that I can apply directly to my career.

What was your motivation for returning to school for your master's degree?

My motivation for returning to school for my master's degree stems from professional aspirations, personal growth, and a desire to make a broader impact in the healthcare industry. Pursuing a master's degree in health information management (HIM) opens up career advancement and progression opportunities. I recognize the importance of continuous learning and staying ahead in a constantly evolving field. A master's degree will give me the advanced knowledge and skills to take on leadership roles and strategically contribute to healthcare organizations. Health Information Management is a specialized field critical in healthcare delivery, data management, and decision-making processes. By pursuing a master's degree, I aim to deepen my expertise in HIM, with a focus on understanding the foundations of HIM, its evolution, and its future trends. This specialized knowledge will enhance my current skill set and position me as a subject matter expert capable of driving innovation and improving healthcare outcomes. Returning to school for a master's degree is also a personal growth and self-improvement journey. It presented an opportunity for intellectual challenge, self-discovery, and expanding my horizons beyond my current professional responsibilities. Engaging in academic studying and research would help me develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that are valuable both professionally and personally. Ultimately, my motivation for pursuing a master's degree in health information management is rooted in a desire to make a positive difference in the healthcare industry. By gaining advanced knowledge and skills in HIM, I hope to contribute to developing and implementing innovative solutions that improve healthcare delivery, enhance patient outcomes, and promote efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare operations.

Which skills have you acquired during your time at CUNY SPS that you believe will help you excel in the HIM field?

Through coursework covering topics such as data management, health informatics, information governance, and compliance regulations, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of the foundational principles of HIM. CUNY SPS has allowed me to develop technical proficiency in HIM-related tools and technologies. Whether it's working with electronic health records (EHR) systems, health information exchange (HIE) platforms, or data analytics software, I have gained invaluable knowledge and experience to help support my growth in my HIM career. This knowledge equips me with the expertise to effectively manage health information systems and ensure data integrity and security. I sharpened my analytical skills through coursework involving data analysis, interpretation, and decision-making. These skills are crucial in HIM for identifying trends, patterns, and insights within healthcare data, which can inform strategic initiatives and improve healthcare delivery. CUNY SPS has allowed me to develop technical proficiency in HIM-related tools and technologies. Whether working with electronic health records (EHR) systems, health information exchange (HIE) platforms, or data analytics software, I have gained hands-on experience that will be invaluable in my HIM career. HIM professionals often encounter complex challenges related to data management, privacy regulations, interoperability, and technology implementation. Through coursework emphasizing critical thinking and problem-solving, I have developed the ability to analyze issues from multiple perspectives and devise practical solutions. As I advance in my HIM career, leadership and management skills become increasingly crucial for overseeing projects, guiding teams, and driving organizational change. Through coursework and leadership opportunities at CUNY SPS, I have cultivated leadership competencies that will enable me to effectively lead HIM initiatives and inspire others toward shared goals.

Can you talk about the connections/relationships you formed with your professors and other CUNY SPS students?

My connections and relationships with professors and fellow students have enriched my experience at CUNY SPS. The professors at CUNY SPS have been instrumental in my academic journey, offering guidance, expertise, and support throughout my coursework. Their depth of knowledge and real-world experience in Health Information Management (HIM) have provided valuable insights, challenged my thinking, and fostered a dynamic learning environment. I've appreciated their accessibility, responsiveness, and willingness to engage in meaningful discussions inside and outside the virtual classroom. Building relationships with my professors has enhanced my learning experience and provided me with valuable mentorship and networking opportunities. Interacting with fellow students at CUNY SPS has been a highlight of my educational experience. Through online discussions and assignments, I've had the chance to engage with classmates from diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. This diversity has enriched our discussions, broadened my understanding of HIM-related issues, and provided valuable insights into different aspects of the healthcare industry. Beyond academic collaboration, I've formed genuine connections with my peers, sharing experiences, supporting each other through challenges, and celebrating successes. These relationships have contributed to my personal and professional growth and created a sense of community and camaraderie within the program. 

What kind of impact do you think your degree will have on your career/life?

With an advanced degree in HIM, I can pursue leadership roles and advancement within the healthcare industry. The specialized knowledge, skills, and credentials gained through this program will open up opportunities for professional growth and development, allowing me to take on higher-level responsibilities, lead strategic initiatives, and make meaningful contributions to healthcare organizations. I have built a valuable professional network through interactions with professors, classmates, and industry professionals during my studies. This network will continue to provide support, mentorship, and opportunities for collaboration and career advancement beyond graduation. Networking within the HIM community can facilitate knowledge sharing, career guidance, and access to job openings and professional development resources. Earning a master's degree in HIM represents a significant personal achievement and source of pride that I know would have made my mother proud. It reflects my dedication to continuous learning, intellectual curiosity, and commitment to excellence in my chosen field. This sense of accomplishment and fulfillment will bolster my confidence and inspire me to pursue further educational and career aspirations.

What does your future look like after CUNY SPS?

The healthcare industry is dynamic and ever-evolving, requiring professionals to stay current with advancements and trends. After CUNY SPS, I plan to continue my lifelong learning journey through certifications, workshops, conferences, and other professional development opportunities., hopefully leading to a chance to teach again. With a deeper understanding of HIM principles and emerging technologies, I see myself taking on a specialized role to leverage my expertise to drive strategic initiatives, optimize health information systems, and improve patient outcomes. Overall, my future after CUNY SPS is filled with opportunities for career advancement, specialization, innovation, and continuous learning in the dynamic and rewarding field of Health Information Management. I am excited to embark on this next chapter and contribute to improving healthcare delivery and outcomes.


Read more about Master of Science in Health Information Management