Fall 2024 Undergraduate Application Deadline Extended to July 8.

Finny Beulah

BS in Health Information Management

Class of 2019

Finny Beulah
"Learning is a process that continues with no age restrictions and serves as a lifetime experience with enormous opportunities. "

Why did you choose CUNY SPS?

I felt at the time when I joined that this was one of the best colleges in the United States for my degree program.

What most appealed to you about your CUNY SPS program?

The professionalism of every individual that I dealt with during my program tenure, especially the faculty members and administration executives and staff.

How did you find your online/classroom interaction with other students?  With faculty?

Very interesting and challenging at times. The faculty is awesome and very helpful in all that I learned. My fellow students were also very helpful in an online class environment.

What were some of the most defining aspects of your time at CUNY SPS?

The knowledge level I have obtained during my classes while pursuing a career in health information.

What is the most important thing you learned at CUNY SPS?

Learning is a process that continues with no age restrictions and serves as a lifetime experience with enormous opportunities.

How has your CUNY SPS influenced your current job, and your career overall?

Well, I was already in my current job when I started the program but the knowledge I have acquired really helped me advance in the same job.

What is the most rewarding aspect of your job?

Dealing with a lot of individuals who are highly qualified in their jobs and also holding senior-level jobs. I deal with almost every licensed facility in the state where I am employed. Most of my contacts either have an HIM background or specialize in another discipline where they have an in-depth knowledge of health care.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

In a senior management level.

Outside the Classroom

  • Favorite sports? Favorite team? Soccer. Brazil
  • Favorite movie or TV show of all time? SNL
  • Netflix, Hulu, Cable, all three, neither? Neither
  • Favorite NYC attraction or cultural institution? I'm an out of state student so I don't have much knowledge of NYC, but I am interested in the underground railway
  • Favorite music artist/band? Casting Crown
  • Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, none, all? Linkedin
  • Book or e-reader? Favorite or most recent book you read? Book. History of Church.


Read more about Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management